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Contempt of court is an act or omission that interferes with the proper administration of the court or disrespects the authority and dignity of the court. The primary objective behind punishing contempt of court is to preserve the effectiveness and sustain the legitimacy of the judicial system. A court’s power to hold someone in contempt is a necessary tool in its arsenal to maintain the rule of law, as defiance of court orders can render the judicial process meaningless.

A conviction of criminal contempt in New York can have significant legal and non-legal consequences on an individual’s life. Working with an experienced Long Island criminal contempt attorney is crucial to defend against the charges and protect your best interest. At Edward Palermo Criminal Defense, our team of skilled Long Island criminal defense attorneys can help you navigate the legal complexities surrounding criminal contempt charges in New York. You don’t have to face these charges alone. Contact us today at (516) 280-2160 or (631) 265-1052 to schedule a consultation.

Contempt of Court on Long Island

Contempt of court is defined as the willful disregard or disobedience of a court’s authority or the act of intentionally acting disrespectfully towards a court or judge in a legal proceeding. This behavior undermines the court’s ability to function effectively and fairly, and it is a punishable offense. The authority to hold individuals in contempt enables judges to enforce their orders and maintain courtroom decorum, ensuring that their judgments are respected, and disruptive parties are held accountable for their actions.

On Long Island, NY, contempt of court may be civil or criminal, and it is governed by New York State law. Contempt proceedings take place in various courts across the Long Island region, including Nassau County and Suffolk County courts. 

New York State Laws on Contempt

Under New York State law, contempt of court is divided into two categories: criminal contempt and civil contempt. Each type has distinct provisions and punishments, depending on the nature of the contemptuous act.

Criminal Contempt

Criminal contempt is when an individual purposely disobeys a court order, interferes with the proper functioning of the court, or disrupts court proceedings. It generally involves disrespectful behavior or actions that are meant to undermine the authority, dignity, or integrity of the court. In New York, criminal contempt may result in penalties such as imprisonment, fines, or both. There are various degrees of criminal contempt, with escalating responses based on the severity of the offense.

There are two main categories of criminal contempt of court: direct contempt and indirect contempt.

Direct Contempt

Direct contempt is an act of contempt committed in the presence of the court or during a legal proceeding. It includes any behavior that undermines the court’s dignity or disrupts the orderly conduct of the trial, such as inappropriate language, disrespectful conduct, or failure to comply with the court’s instructions. In cases of direct contempt, the judge can take immediate action, such as imposing a fine or incarceration, without the need for a separate hearing or due process. This is because the judge has directly witnessed the contemptuous act and can impose a just punishment based on their observation.

Some examples of direct contempt could include:

Indirect or Civil Contempt 

Indirect contempt, sometimes referred to as constructive contempt, occurs outside the presence of the court and typically involves the violation of a court order. Unlike direct contempt, indirect contempt requires a separate hearing to establish evidence of the contemptuous act and to allow the accused an opportunity to defend their actions. The due process requirements in cases of indirect contempt are crucial, as the judge was not a direct witness to the alleged misconduct and must rely on third-party reports and evidence. Civil contempt is meant to be remedial in nature, and its goal is to ensure compliance with the court’s orders, rather than to punish the offender.

Examples of indirect contempt could include:

Examples of Contemptuous Conduct

Various acts and behaviors can be considered contemptuous, depending on the circumstances. Some common examples include:

Understanding the concept of contempt of court, its types, and examples of contemptuous conduct is essential to comprehending the impact of criminal contempt charges. Criminal contempt charges are applied to ensure that individuals respect the rule of law, maintain the authority of the courts, and uphold the fair administration of justice.

Examples of Contemptuous Conduct Description
Disrespectful language or gestures Using profanity or derogatory language, or displaying inappropriate gestures aimed at the judge, attorneys, witnesses, or court staff.
Disobedience of court orders Failing to comply with a court order, whether it’s failing to appear in court, pay fines or fees, comply with conditions of probation, or respect the terms of a restraining order.
Disrupting court proceedings Engaging in loud or unruly behavior, refusing to comply with court etiquette, or displaying threatening behavior in the courtroom.
Impeding the administration of justice Interfering with the effective functioning of the court, such as interfering with court officers’ duties, tampering with evidence, or bribing or threatening a witness.
Failure to pay court-ordered support Unlawfully refusing to pay child or spousal support as mandated by a court order.

Contempt of Court as a Felony

Contempt of court can be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the severity of the actions. In New York, contempt of court is considered a felony when there are aggravated circumstances present or when the accused has committed repeat offenses.

Aggravated Circumstances

Aggravated circumstances refer to situations where contemptuous behavior is combined with other criminal actions or is considered especially severe. This could include situations where the accused disobeys a court order that results in the physical harm of another individual, such as violating an order of protection and subsequently assaulting the protected party. These situations can elevate the contempt charge to a felony level.

Repeat Offenses

If an individual has previously been found guilty of contempt, a subsequent charge may be considered a felony. For example, if a person has been convicted of criminal contempt in the second degree, a new charge of criminal contempt in the second degree would be considered a felony.

Potential Penalties for Felony Contempt Charges

Felony contempt charges have more severe penalties than misdemeanor charges. Potential penalties for felony contempt of court convictions in New York can include jail or prison sentences, fines and financial penalties, and probation.

Jail or Prison Sentences

Depending on the severity of the offense and the classification of the felony, prison sentences for felony contempt of court convictions can range from a minimum of one year to a maximum of seven years. For Class E felonies, the term may be between one and four years.

Fines and Financial Penalties

In addition to jail or prison time, fines and financial penalties can be imposed for felony contempt charges. These fines can reach up to $5,000, depending on the specific offense and the circumstances surrounding the case. If the contempt charges were incurred due to a willful violation of a child or spousal support order, the defendant may also be required to pay any outstanding balance they have.

Probation and Other Alternative Sentencing

In some cases, probation may be an option for individuals convicted of felony contempt charges. Probation allows the accused to remain in the community under supervision instead of serving a jail or prison sentence. The length of the probationary period can vary depending on the offense and the individual’s criminal history. Other alternative sentencing options, such as community service, counseling, or anger management classes, may also be considered in lieu of—or in addition to—jail or prison time.

Legal Defense for Contempt of Court Charges

Contempt of court charges can result in serious consequences, including fines and jail time. If you are facing such charges, it is essential to understand the legal defenses available to you and to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney. While the specific defense strategy will depend on the facts of your case, some common defenses include:

Legitimate Excuses or Misunderstandings

In some cases, you might have a legitimate excuse for the conduct that led to the charge. For example, if you failed to comply with a court order but had a valid reason for doing so, you may be able to demonstrate that your noncompliance was not willful and intentional. If there was a misunderstanding about the terms of the court order or the deadline to comply, you might be able to argue that the situation resulted from a genuine mistake rather than a willful disregard for the court’s authority.

Lack of Intent

To be found guilty of contempt of court, a person must usually have acted with an intentional, willful disregard of the court’s authority. If you can show that your actions were not done with the intent to defy the court or disrespect its authority, this could be a strong defense. This might be particularly relevant if the alleged contemptuous act was unintentional or arose from an honest mistake or misunderstanding.

Insufficient Evidence

In other cases, you may be able to challenge the evidence against you as insufficient to support a finding of contempt. For instance, if the prosecutor cannot prove that you knowingly and willfully violated a court order or that your conduct actually disrupted court proceedings, you might be able to argue that the charges should be dismissed. Additionally, if the court order you allegedly violated was vague or ambiguous, you may be able to argue that it was not clear enough to support a finding of contempt.

To build a robust legal defense strategy, consulting a skilled Long Island criminal contempt attorney is necessary. An attorney can thoroughly investigate the circumstances of your case and determine the appropriate legal defense. An attorney may also be able to negotiate a reduction of the charges or pursue their dismissal.

Getting the Help of a Skilled Long Island Criminal Contempt Attorney

A felony contempt conviction can have a profound impact on various aspects of one’s life, from employment to personal relationships and civil rights. It can make it difficult to find a job and restrict access to certain careers requiring licenses. The social stigma can strain relationships and lead to isolation. Felony convictions may result in limitations on voting rights and firearm possession. Failure to disclose a felony conviction can have negative repercussions in various applications and forms. It is important to consult with an attorney to navigate the legal challenges and minimize the impact of a felony contempt conviction.

At Edward Palermo Criminal Defense, our team of experienced Long Island criminal defense attorneys works diligently to provide top-rated legal assistance and representation in Nassau and Suffolk County. We understand the impact a felony conviction can have on a person’s personal relationships and professional prospects. Take a proactive approach toward your legal defense today. Contact us at (516) 280-2160 or (631) 265-1052 to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.

Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense with severe consequences in the state of New York. It refers to operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of 0.18% or higher, which is more than double the legal limit. The impact of being convicted of aggravated DWI can be far-reaching, affecting various aspects of your life. Understanding these consequences is crucial to make informed decisions and taking necessary steps to defend your rights.

If you or someone you know is facing charges of aggravated DWI on Long Island, New York, it is imperative to seek immediate legal assistance. At Edward Palermo Criminal Defense, our team of skilled Long Island DWI attorneys can navigate the complex legal process, challenge the evidence against you, and work towards minimizing the consequences you may face. Don’t underestimate the impact of an aggravated DWI conviction – take action today to protect your rights, reputation, and future. Contact us today at (516) 280-2160 or (631) 265-1052 to schedule a consultation.

Distinction Between DWI and Aggravated DWI

Charges of Driving While Impaired or Driving Under the Influence (DWI or DUI) refers to a driver operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs. 

In New York, a driver can be charged with a per se DWI if he or she is found to have been operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or higher. The primary distinction between a regular DWI charge and an Aggravated DWI charge is the severity of the offense. Aggravated DWI usually involves factors that significantly increase the risk of harm or demonstrate a blatant disregard for the safety of others on the road. 

Some common factors that elevate a DWI to an aggravated level include having a high blood alcohol concentration (BAC), endangering a child, causing injury or death, or having multiple prior DWI convictions.

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Threshold

In New York, the legal limit for BAC is 0.08% for drivers aged 21 years and above. Drivers with BAC levels at or above this limit can be charged with DWI. New York also has a lower BAC threshold for commercial drivers (0.04%) and drivers below the age of 21 (0.02%). However, having a significantly higher BAC can result in an Aggravated DWI charge.

The specific BAC threshold for aggravated DWI in New York is 0.18%. Drivers found to have BAC levels higher than 0.18% can face advanced charges as driving with a high BAC indicates that the driver consumed a substantial amount of alcohol. As such, the law considers them more likely to cause severe accidents or fatalities compared to drivers with lower BAC levels. Consequently, the penalties for Aggravated DWI are more substantial than those for standard DWI cases.

Presence of a Minor in the Vehicle (Leandra’s Law)

One of the most concerning factors that can exacerbate a DWI case is the presence of a minor in the vehicle at the time of the arrest. Courts and prosecutors generally view this as particularly reckless behavior, as it endangers the life and well-being of a child who cannot protect themselves or make informed decisions. 

New York has a dedicated piece of legislation, Leandra’s Law, aiming to penalize instances of drivers endangering the welfare of children by driving under the influence, regardless of whether the instance is a first offense. Under Leandra’s Law, driving under the influence with a child aged less than 16 years old in the car carries enhanced penalties, such as increased fines, a sentence of up to 4 years in state prison, and a Class E felony charge.

These circumstances can significantly influence the outcome of an aggravated DWI case. Aggravated DWI results from a higher level of impairment and child endangerment compared to standard DWI cases. The penalties for Aggravated DWI are considerably more severe than standard DWI charges and often include jail time, heavy fines, and longer license suspensions or revocations.

Legal Consequences of Aggravated DWI in New York

Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is already a serious criminal offense in New York. The consequences become even more severe in cases of aggravated DWI. An aggravated DWI occurs when a person is found to be driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.18% or higher. Conviction of an aggravated DWI can have advanced penalties compared to a per se DWI including the following:

Criminal Penalties

New York State imposes strict penalties on individuals who are charged with an aggravated DWI. These penalties vary based on the offender’s previous DWI history, the BAC level, and the specific circumstances of the case.

First-Time Offenders

First-time aggravated DWI offenders in New York face a Class E felony charge. The maximum criminal penalties for a first-time offender include:

For a per se conviction under Leandra’s Law, offenders can face up to four years in prison and to $5,000 in fines. If the child is harmed, additional penalties may apply:

Additionally, a first-time offender’s vehicle might be outfitted with an ignition interlock device for at least six months.

Repeat Offenders

Repeat offenders face even harsher penalties, often depending on how recently the prior offense occurred. If a second aggravated DWI occurs within ten years of the first, the individuals are charged with a class E felony, facing the following maximum penalties:

If a third aggravated DWI occurs within ten years, the offender is charged with a class D felony. The maximum penalties for a third-time offender include:

Legal Consequences of Aggravated DWI in New York Criminal Penalties License Consequences Driver Responsibility Assessment (DRA)
First-Time Offenders Up to one year in jail, Fine: $1,000 to $2,500, Mandatory attendance at a New York State drinking driver program (DDP) One-year license revocation $250 per year for three years
Repeat Offenders Up to four years in prison, Fine: $1,000 to $5,000, Mandatory attendance at a drinking driver program License revocation for at least 18 months $250 per year for three years
Third-Time Offenders Up to seven years in prison, Fine: $2,000 to $10,000, Mandatory attendance at a drinking driver program License revocation for at least 18 months $250 per year for three years

License Suspension and Revocation

New York courts impose license suspension or revocation in all aggravated DWI cases. First-time offenders face a one-year license revocation, while repeat offenders may face a longer revocation period. It is important to note that license suspension is different from revocation. A suspended license can be reinstated after a specific period, while a revoked license requires reapplication for a new license.

Ignition Interlock Device (IID) Requirements

Aggravated DWI offenders may be required to install an ignition interlock device (IID) in their vehicle. The IID is connected to the vehicle’s ignition system and requires the driver to blow into the device before starting the car. If the device registers any alcohol on the driver’s breath, the car will not start. The cost of IID installation and maintenance is the offender’s responsibility.

Driver Responsibility Assessment

In addition to criminal penalties and license suspensions, New York State also imposes an annual driver responsibility assessment (DRA) on individuals with an aggravated DWI conviction. A DRA is a monetary penalty, separate from any fines imposed as part of a criminal sentencing. The DRA for an aggravated DWI conviction is $250 per year for three years.

The penalties for aggravated DWI in New York are severe and can have a profound and lasting impact on your life. From substantial fines and license revocation to mandatory alcohol assessment and potential imprisonment, the consequences are significant. Moreover, the social and personal ramifications of a conviction can be equally challenging, affecting your reputation, relationships, and future opportunities.

Understanding the gravity of an aggravated DWI conviction is crucial, as it underscores the importance of seeking competent legal representation to navigate the complexities of the legal system. An experienced Long Island DWI defense attorney can help you build a strong defense, challenge the evidence against you, and work towards minimizing the impact of a conviction.

Common Defenses Against Aggravated DWI Charges

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) charges can be difficult to fight, but when you are faced with aggravated DWI charges, the stakes get higher. Aggravated DWI typically involves higher BAC levels or additional factors that make the offense more severe. If you are facing aggravated DWI charges, it is important to understand the possible defenses available to challenge these charges and protect your rights.

Challenging the Validity of the Traffic Stop

The first defense strategy against an aggravated DWI charge may involve challenging the legality of the traffic stop. Law enforcement officers must have reasonable suspicion of criminal activity or a traffic violation to conduct a traffic stop. If the defense can demonstrate that there was no reasonable suspicion for the traffic stop, all evidence obtained during the stop may be suppressed, and the charges may be dismissed.

To challenge the validity of the traffic stop, your attorney may review dashcam footage, police reports, and other documentation to determine if the officer had a legitimate reason to stop you. Your attorney may also examine whether the officer followed proper procedures during the stop.

Questioning the Reliability of BAC Testing

BAC test results are often a crucial piece of evidence in a DWI case. If the defense can challenge the accuracy or reliability of these test results, it could lead to a dismissal or reduction of the charges. Some ways to challenge BAC testing results include:

Medical Conditions and Contamination Issues

Certain medical conditions can interfere with BAC testing and result in falsely elevated readings. For example, diabetes or acid reflux can cause an individual to have a higher BAC reading than they actually have. Additionally, certain medications or mouthwashes can also impact the test results.

If you have a medical condition or were using medications or products that could have contaminated the BAC test, your attorney may use this information to argue that the test results are unreliable and should not be used as evidence against you.

Procedural Violations

If the arresting officer violated your constitutional rights or failed to follow proper procedures, the evidence collected against you may be inadmissible in court. Some common procedural violations include:

If your attorney can demonstrate that a procedural violation occurred, the charges against you may be reduced or dismissed altogether.

Improper Administration of Field Sobriety Tests

Field sobriety tests are often used by law enforcement officers to determine if an individual is under the influence of alcohol. However, these tests can sometimes be subjective and can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as your physical condition, the weather, and the officer’s training.

If the field sobriety tests were not administered correctly, or if the officer did not accurately evaluate your performance on the tests, your attorney may use this information to challenge the officer’s determination that you were impaired. This could potentially lead to a dismissal or reduction of the charges against you.

Several defenses can be used to challenge aggravated DWI charges. These include challenging the validity of the traffic stop, questioning the reliability of BAC testing, highlighting medical conditions or contamination issues, exposing procedural violations, and scrutinizing the improper administration of field sobriety tests. It is important to consult with an experienced DWI attorney to discuss the best defense strategy for your case.

Non-Legal Consequences of an Aggravated DWI Conviction

An aggravated DWI (Driving While Impaired) conviction can wreak havoc on your personal and professional life. The consequences of an aggravated DWI are more severe than a standard DWI, especially if there are multiple offenses. This is due to aggravating factors such as an extremely high blood alcohol content (BAC), causing bodily harm, or driving with a minor in the vehicle. Aside from the legal penalties, a conviction of aggravated DWI can have the following non-legal consequences on a person’s life:

Impact on Employment and Job Opportunities

An aggravated DWI conviction can have significant consequences on your employment and job prospects. Employers often conduct background checks before hiring or promoting employees. A DWI conviction of any kind signals a lack of judgment and irresponsibility, which can be a red flag for employers.

Furthermore, certain jobs may require a clean driving record or a commercial driver’s license (CDL). A DWI conviction can disqualify you from obtaining or maintaining these licenses, which can limit your employment options. For example, you may be ineligible to work as a truck driver, delivery driver, or in any profession where driving is a primary responsibility. Additionally, if your current job requires driving and you lose your license due to an aggravated DWI, you risk losing your job as a result.

If you are convicted of an aggravated DWI while employed, your employer may decide to terminate your employment due to the negative publicity associated with such a conviction. They may also be concerned about the potential liability or increased insurance costs associated with having an employee with a damaged driving record.

Insurance Premium Increases

One of the immediate consequences of an aggravated DWI conviction is an increase in your auto insurance premiums. Insurance companies regard drivers with DWI convictions as high-risk and adjust premiums accordingly. 

Depending on the severity of the DWI and other factors, your insurance premiums could double or even triple following a conviction. This can create a significant financial burden as you not only face increased monthly premiums but also the initial fines and penalties associated with the conviction.


Immigration authorities take criminal convictions, especially those involving serious offenses such as aggravated DWI, into account when evaluating an individual’s admissibility or eligibility for certain immigration benefits.

When considering an immigration application, including visa applications or applications for permanent residency (green card), immigration authorities assess factors such as moral character and criminal history. An aggravated DWI conviction, while not grounds for immediate removal, can raise concerns about a person’s moral character and may negatively impact their immigration status.

Social Stigma

The social stigma associated with an aggravated DWI conviction can be just as damaging to your personal life as the legal and financial consequences. Friends, family, and acquaintances may view you as irresponsible or reckless, which can strain relationships and make it difficult to form new connections.

If your conviction becomes public knowledge, you may face judgment and ostracization from your community, especially if you are well-known or if the conviction is particularly newsworthy. This can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, and anxiety as you struggle to rebuild your reputation and regain the trust of those around you.

Restricted Travel and Driving Privileges

An aggravated DWI conviction can severely limit your ability to travel both domestically and internationally. While your driver’s license is suspended or revoked, you will be dependent on public transportation or the assistance of friends and family to get around.

In addition, some countries may deny entry to individuals with criminal convictions, including aggravated DWI. This can hinder your ability to travel abroad for work or leisure purposes. It is important to research the entry requirements for any country you plan to visit to ensure that your criminal record will not impede your ability to travel.

The effects of an aggravated DWI conviction go beyond legal penalties and can have long-lasting consequences on your personal and professional life. Such a conviction can impact your employment, increase insurance premiums, create social stigma, and restrict travel opportunities. If you are facing an aggravated DWI charge, it is crucial to seek legal counsel to help minimize the potential damage to your life.

Working with a Top-Rated Long Island DWI Defense Lawyer

The consequences of an aggravated DWI conviction in New York can be life-altering, affecting your personal and professional life, and potentially leading to significant penalties. It is crucial to understand the gravity of the situation and take proactive steps to protect your rights and future.

If you or someone you know is facing charges of aggravated DWI in New York, do not face this situation alone. Seek the guidance of an experienced DWI defense attorney who can provide the necessary legal support and advocate on your behalf. Experienced Nassau and Suffolk County DWI attorney Edward Palermo has defended the rights of numerous clients against charges of aggravated DWI. Our team of legal professionals can investigate the circumstances of your case and build a tailored legal strategy. To speak with a top-rated DWI attorney, contact us today at (516) 280-2160 or (631) 265-1052 to schedule a consultation.

Long Island, located in New York, is known for its scenic landscapes, vibrant communities, and diverse population. However, like any other region, it also faces criminal activities, including a distinct category known as inchoate crimes. On Long Island, inchoate crimes are defined and prosecuted based on an individual’s involvement, intent, and the potential harm caused by their actions. These accusations can lead to severe consequences, including damage to one’s reputation, legal complications, and personal distress. It is crucial to understand the legal framework surrounding inchoate crimes and the potential defenses available to those who find themselves wrongly accused, as a comprehensive understanding of the law can help ensure justice and protect the rights of individuals involved. 

Should you find yourself accused of an inchoate offense on Long Island, promptly reach out to a skilled Long Island criminal defense attorney. At Edward Palermo Criminal Defense, our experienced legal team will carefully scrutinize the details of your case and suggest the most appropriate strategy, to reduce the charges or obtain a full dismissal of the case. Get in touch with us today at (631) 265-1052 or (516) 280-2160 to arrange a free consultation.

Definition of Inchoate Crimes

Inchoate crimes, also known as incomplete crimes or preliminary crimes, are actions that are taken in preparation for committing a crime but do not reach the point of being considered a completed crime. These actions can still be punishable by law, as they often indicate a person’s criminal intent and can have a significant impact on public safety. This aspect of criminal law allows for the prosecution of individuals who are attempting to engage in criminal activity but are prevented from doing so due to external circumstances or their own lack of skill or resources.

Legal Significance

Penalizing inchoate crimes serve multiple purposes within the legal system. Firstly, it is a deterrent for people who may be considering committing a crime, as the potential punishment for taking preparatory actions can be just as severe as the punishment for the completed crime. Secondly, it provides law enforcement with the opportunity to intervene before a potentially serious crime is carried out, thus protecting potential victims and preventing further harm.

The legal significance of inchoate crimes varies among different jurisdictions, with some applying harsher penalties than others. In New York, the punishment for an inchoate crime highly depends on the circumstances of the case as well as the type of inchoate crime committed. New York has incorporated charges for inchoate crimes due to the inherent danger that arises from individuals pursuing criminal objectives.

Different Categories of Inchoate Crimes

Inchoate crimes can be divided into three primary categories: attempt, conspiracy, and solicitation. Each of these categories involves a different level of criminal activity and intention, and they are each treated separately within the legal system.


New York Penal Law (NYPL) Article 110 defines an “attempt” as occurring when someone engages in conduct intending to commit a crime but fails to complete the crime. For example, a person may be charged with attempted burglary if they break into a building intending to steal items, but are caught before they commit the theft. The severity of the attempted crime varies depending on the underlying crime, from Class B misdemeanors to Class A felonies.


Conspiracy is an agreement between two or more parties to commit a crime. NYPL Article 105 describes the elements of conspiracy, ranging from the lowest degree (conspiracy in the sixth degree) to the highest (conspiracy in the first degree). The severity of the charge depends on several factors, including the level of the intended crime, the number and age of co-conspirators, and the presence of other aggravating circumstances.


Solicitation, as defined in NYPL Article 100, occurs when someone entices, advises, or commands another person to engage in criminal conduct, regardless of whether the other person acts on the request. Solicitation can range from a Class B misdemeanor to a Class D felony, depending on the underlying offense.

Relation to Completed Crimes

Inchoate crimes can be connected to completed crimes in various ways. For example, an inchoate crime such as an attempt or conspiracy may be prosecuted in addition to the completed crime if the intended criminal act is ultimately carried out by the defendant or a co-conspirator. In other cases, inchoate crimes may serve as the primary charge if the intended crime is interrupted or prevented due to law enforcement intervention, the defendant’s change of heart, or other external factors.

The relationship between inchoate and completed crimes highlights the importance of criminal intent within the legal system. By prosecuting individuals for both incomplete and completed criminal acts, the legal system aims to deter individuals from pursuing criminal activities.

Charging and Prosecution Process

New York law enforcement officers and prosecutors work together to charge and prosecute inchoate crimes. The process typically consists of the following steps:

  1. Investigation: Law enforcement officers or assigned detectives conduct an investigation to gather evidence. For inchoate crimes, this may involve surveillance or undercover operations to collect evidence of planning, intent, and actions.
  2. Filing of Charges: Based on the gathered evidence, the prosecutor decides whether to file charges against the suspect. The charges filed will depend on the type and degree of the inchoate crime, and the strength of the evidence supporting the charge.
  3. Preliminary Hearing or Grand Jury: In felony cases, the prosecutor may either opt for a preliminary hearing before a judge or an indictment by a grand jury. At this stage, the strength of the evidence and the appropriateness of the charges are assessed.
  4. Arraignment: The defendant appears in court to hear the charges against them and enters a plea of guilty, not guilty, or no contest. Bail preferences may also be determined at this stage.
  5. Pretrial Conferences, Motions, and Hearings: Attorneys for both the prosecution and defense may engage in pretrial conferences, file motions, and hold hearings to determine admissible evidence, suppress evidence, or discuss plea deals.
  6. Trial: If no plea agreement is reached, the case proceeds to trial. The prosecution must prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt to secure a conviction.
  7. Sentencing: If the defendant is found guilty, a judge will determine the appropriate sentence based on the crime and other factors, such as the defendant’s criminal history and circumstances surrounding the case.
Charging and Prosecution Process Details
Investigation Gathering evidence through surveillance and undercover operations.
Filing of Charges Prosecutor decides whether to file charges based on gathered evidence.
Preliminary Hearing or Grand Jury Assessment of evidence and appropriateness of charges (felony cases).
Arraignment Defendant appears in court, enters plea, and bail preferences may be determined.
Pretrial Conferences, Motions, and Hearings Attorneys engage in conferences, motions, and hearings for evidence, suppression, and plea deals.
Trial Case proceeds to trial if no plea agreement is reached.
Sentencing Judge determines appropriate sentence based on crime and relevant factors.

Defenses and Mitigating Factors

There are several potential defenses and mitigating factors that a defendant in an inchoate crime case may rely on:

These defenses and mitigating factors, if successfully argued, can lead to reduced charges, lighter sentences, or even acquittal. Employing the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney is instrumental in ensuring the best possible outcome depending on the circumstances of the case.

Getting the Help of an Experienced Long Island Criminal Defense Attorney

A Long Island criminal defense attorney can be instrumental in helping individuals fight inchoate criminal charges. These attorneys offer vital legal advice, guiding individuals through the complexities of their cases and explaining the charges they face. They protect their clients’ constitutional rights, ensuring that law enforcement adheres to proper procedures during arrest and investigation. 

A criminal defense attorney can also conduct a thorough independent investigation, gathering evidence and reviewing police reports, witness statements, and other pertinent information. They may engage in negotiations with prosecutors to seek reduced charges or alternative resolutions. Additionally, these attorneys construct a strong defense strategy, challenging evidence, questioning witnesses, and advocating for their clients’ best interests in court. By leveraging their knowledge and expertise, criminal defense attorneys play a crucial role in fighting inchoate criminal charges.

If find yourself confronted with charges of an inchoate offense on Long Island, obtaining the support of an experienced Long Island criminal defense attorney is critical. At Edward Palermo Criminal Defense, our top-rated legal team led by criminal defense attorney Edward Palermo is committed to advocating for clients facing these accusations. We can guide you through the intricacies of the legal proceedings and aim for a positive resolution that avoids the severe repercussions of a criminal conviction. Contact us today at (631) 265-1052 or (516) 280-2160 to arrange a free consultation.

Private property refers to any land, structure, or item owned by an individual, a group of individuals, or a private legal entity such as a corporation. These properties are subject to the protection of privacy laws and are not open to the public without the consent of the owner. Examples of private property include homes, businesses, vehicles, and personal belongings.

The United States Constitution guarantees the protection of private property from unlawful intrusion by the government and police officers. The Fourth Amendment safeguards citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. Police entry onto private property must be justified by either the presence of a valid search warrant, consent of the owner or resident, or exigent circumstances.

If law enforcement entered your property without following the proper procedure, it is important to speak with an experienced lawyer right away. A skilled Long Island criminal defense lawyer may be able to help you protect your rights. Contact Edward Palermo Criminal Defense today at (631) 265-1052 or (516) 280-2160 to schedule a free consultation. 

Consent to Enter Private Property in New York

Law enforcement officers may enter private property without a warrant when valid consent is given by the owner or someone with authority over the property. Consent must be freely and voluntarily given, without coercion or duress. Police officers should generally seek clear, unequivocal, and unmistakable consent before entering private property.

The Fourth Amendment protects Americans’ right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects. Generally, this protection means that police officers must obtain a valid search warrant before entering private property. Unreasonable searches and seizures are deemed unconstitutional. Before police can be allowed to search a property, they must obtain a search warrant. 

A search warrant is a document signed by a judge that authorizes law enforcement agents to search a specific location for a particular purpose. This document is issued based on probable cause, which means that the police must present sufficient evidence to show that criminal activity is likely taking place at the location in question. 

The warrant must specify the area to be searched and the items to be seized. Officers must conduct their search within the limitations established by the warrant.

Exceptions to the Warrant Requirement

In the realm of criminal law, there are a handful of exceptions that authorize law enforcement to conduct certain searches and seizures without first obtaining a warrant. These exceptions aid in the regulation of public safety but should not be seen as an overstep of authority under the Fourth Amendment, which upholds the right to privacy and to be free from unreasonable government intrusions. 

The following are further exceptions to the warrant requirement: 

Protective Sweeps

A protective sweep refers to a limited search of a residence following an arrest. Law enforcement officers make these limited intrusive searches to detect any presence of individuals who could pose a threat to their safety or hinder their arrest operation. 

If an officer conducting a protective sweep finds incriminating evidence within plain view, they may seize the items without a warrant. However, officers must not exceed the scope of the protective sweep to search for evidence under the guise of safety concerns.

Inventory Searches

An inventory search exception permits law enforcement to search the inventory of an impounded vehicle. During this search, officers create a record of the vehicle’s contents and their condition. This practice prevents false claims of theft or damage during impoundment and protects law enforcement from potential liability. 

It is essential to note that inventory searches are administrative and not focused on criminal investigations. Consequently, the motivation cannot be to find evidence of a crime or to arrest an individual.

Hot Pursuit

The hot pursuit exception permits law enforcement to enter private property without a warrant while pursuing a fleeing suspect believed to be involved in criminal activity. 

The rationale for the hot pursuit exception is to prevent the temporary sanctuary of private property from delaying the arrest of dangerous suspects or thwarting an officer’s efforts to apprehend fleeing criminals.

Protective sweeps, inventory searches, and hot pursuit are three exceptions to the warrant requirement that protect the public and law enforcement while staying within constitutional boundaries. Of course, these exceptions are subject to interpretation and scrutiny on a case-by-case basis to ensure they are properly applied and safeguard privacy rights.

Exigent Circumstances

Exigent circumstances refer to emergency situations that require immediate action to prevent harm or destruction of evidence. These situations allow law enforcement officers to bypass the warrant requirement and enter private property without the owner’s consent. Examples of exigent circumstances may include pursuing a suspect, protecting someone in immediate danger, or preventing the destruction of crucial evidence.

On Long Island, New York, as well as throughout the United States, the determination of exigent circumstances is generally left to the discretion of law enforcement officers at the scene. However, courts later evaluate whether the officers’ actions were justified in the circumstances. Factors that courts consider include the immediacy of the threat or danger, the gravity of the suspected offense, and the likelihood of obtaining a warrant in a timely manner.

Consequences of Unlawful Police Entry

Police officers are required to follow strict guidelines under the law when entering a person’s home, place of business, or other private areas. Unlawful entry by police may result in serious consequences, including violation of an individual’s rights. 

Below are the consequences of unlawful police entry, focusing on the exclusionary rule, civil liability, and legal remedies available to victims of such behavior on Long Island, NY.

Exclusionary Rule and Its Application on Long Island, NY

The exclusionary rule is a legal principle that prevents evidence obtained through illegal means, such as unlawful police entry, from being used in court. It is a constitutional safeguard designed to protect individuals from unlawful searches and seizures, as stipulated in the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution.

When the exclusionary rule is applied in a case, any illegally obtained evidence cannot be used by the prosecution during a trial. For example, in a case involving an unlawful police entry, evidence seized during the unlawful entry, or any information derived from that evidence, may be ruled inadmissible. This may significantly weaken the prosecution’s case and potentially result in the dismissal of the charges or acquittal of the accused.

Civil Liability for Police Misconduct on Long Island, NY

In addition to the exclusionary rule, victims of unlawful police entries may also seek compensation or hold law enforcement officers accountable through a civil lawsuit. Police officers who commit unlawful entries may be found liable for violating an individual’s rights under the U.S. Constitution or violating state and local laws.

Police officers who engage in unlawful entry or other forms of misconduct may face financial penalties, including compensation for the damages suffered by the victim. In some cases, damages awarded to victims of police misconduct may include reimbursement for property damage, medical expenses, emotional distress, loss of income, and attorney fees. Law enforcement agencies may also be held vicariously liable for the actions of their officers.

Remedies and Legal Recourse for Victims of Unlawful Entries

Individuals who experience unlawful police entry have a few legal options to mitigate the consequences of this transgression. First, they can raise the suppression of evidence obtained through unlawful entry as a defense in a criminal case. Second, they can pursue a civil lawsuit against the police officers or law enforcement agencies involved, which may result in monetary compensation or other relief.

Victims of unlawful police entry should consult with a criminal defense attorney experienced in handling cases related to illegal searches and seizures, as well as seeking legal counsel with experience in pursuing civil rights claims against law enforcement officers and agencies.

Know Your Rights on Long Island, NY

Understanding your rights when dealing with law enforcement is crucial to protect yourself from unlawful police entries and other forms of misconduct. 

If the police knock on your door or approach your property on Long Island, NY, remember that you have rights, and you can assert them. Typically, the police cannot enter your home without a warrant, your consent, or a set of limited exigent circumstances (i.e., emergency situations). Some tips to follow when dealing with law enforcement officers include:

Always keep your rights in mind and calmly assert them during any interaction with the police. If the police insist on entering your property without a warrant or your consent, reiterate that you are asserting your rights under the Fourth Amendment to prevent unlawful entry. Remain polite and respectful, but firm, in protecting your rights and privacy.

Consulting an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney on Long Island, NY

Seeking legal counsel is an essential step when dealing with situations involving potential unlawful police entry or other violations of your rights. An experienced attorney can provide guidance in navigating the criminal justice system or pursuing civil litigation against the police officers responsible for unlawful entry.

By consulting a qualified Long Island attorney, you can ensure that you are well-prepared for any legal situation and that your rights are protected throughout the process. A knowledgeable attorney can provide you with the best possible representation, whether it is challenging the admissibility of evidence obtained during an unlawful police entry or filing a civil rights claim against law enforcement officers.

Edward Palermo Criminal Defense has a team of experienced criminal defense attorneys who can help you understand your rights and protect your freedom. Contact us today at (631) 265-1052 or (516) 280-2160 to schedule a free consultation. 

Drunk driving is a serious threat to public safety, and in order to combat this issue, the state of New York has implemented strict laws and penalties for those convicted of driving under the influence (DUI). Understanding these laws, especially on Long Island, NY, is important for drivers in order to prevent accidents, injuries, and legal consequences. This article discusses the basics of New York State DUI/DWI laws, the definition of a vehicle for DUI purposes, and the legal blood alcohol concentration limit.

One common question that arises is whether or not you can be charged with a DUI while riding a bicycle. At Edward Palermo Criminal Defense, our team of experienced Long Island DWI lawyers has assisted clients in navigating the complexities of the legal system. We understand the importance of knowing your rights and responsibilities as a cyclist and the potential consequences of the different DWI charges and penalties on Long Island. Our attorneys provide valuable insight and information and work diligently to help secure the best possible outcome in our clients’ cases. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at (516) 280-2160 or (631) 265-1052.

New York State DUI/DWI Laws

New York State has a stringent set of DUI laws designed to discourage individuals from driving while intoxicated. These laws are referred to as Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) in the state of New York, with penalties depending on the nature of the offense and the driver’s prior history. The basic categories of alcohol and drug-related violations in New York are:

Depending on the charge and the driver’s history, penalties for these offenses could include fines, license suspension or revocation, mandatory attendance in an alcohol/drug rehabilitation program, and jail time.

Definition of a Vehicle for DUI Purposes

In New York State, DUI laws apply to the operation of any motorized vehicle on public roads, highways, or other publicly accessible areas. This includes:

It is important to note that DUI laws do not apply to non-motorized bicycles or other self-propelled vehicles. However, riding a bicycle or other non-motorized vehicle while intoxicated can still be dangerous and result in other legal consequences.

Legal Blood Alcohol Concentration Limit

On Long Island and throughout New York State, the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit depends on the age and type of driver. For drivers aged 21 and older operating a non-commercial vehicle, the BAC limit is 0.08%. For commercial vehicle operators, the limit is reduced to 0.04%.

New York State follows the Zero Tolerance law for drivers under the age of 21, making it illegal to drive with a BAC of 0.02% or higher. This law is aimed at preventing youth from drinking and driving, given their inexperience and heightened risk for fatal crashes.

Law enforcement officers use a breathalyzer or similar tests to determine a driver’s BAC when they suspect impairment. Refusing to submit to a BAC test can result in immediate license suspension and further penalties.

Understanding the nuances of DWI laws on Long Island, NY is crucial for drivers, as it ensures compliance with the law and promotes safer roads. Familiarize yourself with the types of offenses, the definition of a vehicle for DWI purposes, and the legal BAC limits according to your age and the type of vehicle you operate. 

Factors Influencing Bicycle DWI

Riding a bicycle under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI) can lead to severe consequences for both the cyclist and other road users. Despite the risks associated with cycling while intoxicated, many people still engage in this dangerous behavior. Several factors contribute to the prevalence of bicycle DWI, ranging from societal attitudes towards cycling to leniency in traffic laws. This article explores the factors influencing bicycle DWI and provides insight into the dynamics that contribute to this hazardous behavior.

Bicycle Riders vs. Motor Vehicle Drivers

One of the primary factors influencing bicycle DWI is the difference in perception and social norms between cyclists and motor vehicle drivers. While drunk driving is generally stigmatized and viewed as a severe offense, intoxicated cycling may not be seen as equally dangerous by some people. This difference in perception could stem from the idea that bicycles are not as potentially lethal as motor vehicles, thereby resulting in a reduced sense of responsibility for cyclists.

Moreover, the social aspect of cycling may contribute to a greater likelihood of bicycle DWI. For instance, group cycling events or casual rides with friends may involve alcohol consumption, which can lead to impaired cycling decisions. In contrast, driving a motor vehicle is often considered a more individual responsibility, with designated drivers assigned to ensure the safety of their passengers and fellow road users.

Differences in Traffic Rules and Guidelines

Another factor contributing to bicycle DWI is the variation in traffic laws and guidelines governing bicycle and motor vehicle operation. In many jurisdictions including New York, DWI laws primarily focus on motor vehicles, resulting in less stringent regulations or potentially unclear guidelines for cyclists. These legal differences can make it difficult to determine when a cyclist is operating under the influence, contributing to a lack of enforcement and reduced deterrence for intoxicated cycling.

Additionally, such differences in penalties can create a perception that cycling under the influence is a lesser offense, encouraging some individuals to engage in such risky behavior without fear of significant repercussions.

Interaction with Other Road Users

The interactions that cyclists have with other road users can also play a role in influencing bicycle DWI behaviors. In some cases, cyclists may feel less accountable for their actions due to the perceived vulnerability they experience while sharing the road with larger and more dangerous motor vehicles. This feeling of vulnerability can lead to cyclists taking greater risks in their riding behaviors, including operating their bikes while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Furthermore, the lack of cycling-specific infrastructure in many areas can exacerbate the issue of bicycle DWI. With limited safe spaces for bike riders, such as dedicated bicycle lanes, intoxicated cyclists are forced to navigate complex roadways with other motor vehicles. Impaired judgment and decision-making can result in severe accidents, injuries, and fatalities involving both cyclists and other road users.

The factors that influence bicycle DWI are multifaceted, including differences in societal perceptions, legal regulations, and interactions with other road users. Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive approach that includes educating cyclists and motorists about the dangers of impaired cycling, updating traffic laws to better account for bicycle DWI, and creating safer spaces for cyclists to navigate through town and city streets. Until these factors are adequately addressed, the problem of bicycle DWI will continue to pose a significant risk to both cyclists and other road users.

Potential Consequences of Bicycling Under Influence

Bicycling under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a dangerous and potentially illegal act, with consequences ranging from fines to potential injury or death. Riding a bicycle while drunk or high not only puts the bicyclist at risk but also poses a threat to the safety of others on the road. 

New York State Drunk Bicyclist Penalties

Operating a bicycle completely manually while drunk is not illegal under New York’s DWI laws. This also applies to manually powered vehicles such as kick scooters, skateboards, and roller skates. However, if the bicycle has been rigged with a motor or is motorized, a DWI would be treated in the same manner as if the cyclist was operating a motorcycle and they may be charged with a DWI.

According to the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law, Section 1146, bicyclists have the same rights and duties as drivers of motor vehicles. Bicyclists, provided that their vehicles are not motorized, are in the same class as pedestrians and are afforded the same protections. However, if the vehicle in question is a motorized bicycle, the bicyclist is subject to the same laws as anyone operating a motor vehicle.

Moreover, bicyclists found to be under the influence may face fines, probation, or even jail time, depending on the severity of the offense and the discretion of the judge.

Collateral Consequences for a Bicycle DWI

Aside from the potential legal penalties, a bicyclist charged with operating under the influence may suffer collateral consequences as well. These consequences can impact the individual’s personal and professional life. For example, a criminal conviction may affect a person’s employment opportunities or the ability to secure housing. Some professional licenses or certifications may also be at risk.

Additionally, a bicyclist convicted of an alcohol or drug-related offense may face social stigma and damaged personal relationships. Insurance rates for auto policies may increase as well, as insurers may view the individual as high risk. It is essential to note that these collateral consequences can have a lasting effect, long after the legal penalties have been resolved.

Safety Hazards for the Bicyclist and Others

Perhaps the most significant consequence of bicycling under the influence is the danger it poses to both the bicyclist and other road users. Alcohol and drugs impair a person’s ability to operate a bicycle safely, affecting balance, coordination, and judgment. This increases the likelihood of accidents, putting not only the bicyclist but also pedestrians, other bicyclists, and motorists at risk.

Bicycling under the influence increases the likelihood of crashes, resulting in injuries or fatalities for the rider or others involved. Injuries can be severe, including traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and broken bones. In some cases, the consequences can be fatal.

Furthermore, bicycling under the influence may also damage public perceptions of bicycling as a safe and responsible form of transportation, potentially undermining advocacy efforts for improved bicycling infrastructure and policies.

The potential consequences of bicycling under the influence are far-reaching, affecting legal penalties, collateral damage, and the safety of the bicyclist and others on the road. It is essential for individuals who choose to ride bicycles to be aware of the dangers and their responsibilities, ensuring that they operate their bicycles in a safe and responsible manner at all times.

Consequences of Bicycling Under Influence Details
Legal Penalties Bicyclists found to be under the influence may face fines, probation, or even jail time, depending on the severity of the offense and the judge’s discretion.
Collateral Consequences A bicyclist charged with operating under the influence may face collateral consequences that can impact personal and professional life.
Social and Personal Impact A bicyclist convicted of an alcohol or drug-related offense may face social stigma and damaged personal relationships.

New York State Senate Bill S4141

New York State Senate Bill S4141 is a piece of legislation that prohibits the operation of a bicycle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The bill recognizes the dangers of bicycling while impaired and seeks to promote responsible behavior and reduce the risk of accidents and injuries on the roads. As of writing, the bill is yet to pass at the Transportation Committee.

Bicycling under the influence of drugs or alcohol can be extremely dangerous, as it impairs a rider’s judgment, reaction time, and coordination. By making it illegal to ride a bicycle while under the influence, the bill seeks to discourage reckless behavior and promote responsible bicycling practices.

While NYS Senate Bill S4141 has not been passed into law, it is important to be aware of the potential consequences of driving a bicycle while under the influence. Being charged with a DWI/DUI in New York can carry serious legal and non-legal repercussions on a person’s life. 

Getting the Help of an Experienced DWI Attorney on Long Island, NY

Understanding your rights and responsibilities as a driver is important, regardless of the vehicle you use. Whether you use a bicycle or a motor vehicle, your knowledge of your can prevent potential altercations and issues with law enforcement down the line. 

If you or someone you know is facing DWI charges on Long Island, it is important to seek the help of an experienced attorney. Ed Palermo has a proven track record of successfully defending clients against DWI charges and minimizing the legal consequences of a conviction.

Don’t face DWI charges alone. Contact Edward Palermo Criminal Defense today to schedule a free consultation. Our team of experienced Long Island DWI/DUI attorneys can help defend your rights and minimize the potential penalties of a DWI conviction. Contact us today at (516) 280-2160 or at (631) 265-1052.

Trespassing is the unlawful act of entering or remaining on another person’s property without their permission or consent. This includes both private and public property, such as homes, businesses, and public parks or spaces. In some cases, trespassing can also include the act of interfering with another person’s use or enjoyment of their property. If you have been charged with a trespass offense, seeking immediate legal advice is crucial, particularly when the offense involves public property. In such cases, an experienced Long Island trespass attorney can provide you with the necessary legal guidance to navigate the legal system and protect your rights. 

Edward Palermo, a well-respected Long Island trespass attorney, has dedicated his career to defending individuals charged with criminal offenses on Long Island. If you are facing serious criminal charges in Nassau County or Suffolk County on Long Island, securing serious legal representation is imperative. At Edward Palermo Criminal Defense, we understand the gravity of the situation and are committed to providing you with quality legal support. Contact us today at (631) 265-1052 for a free consultation to discuss your criminal case and explore your legal options.

What is Considered Trespassing under New York Law?

Trespassing laws are generally put into place to protect property owners from unauthorized access, damage, or theft of their property, as well as to maintain the safety and privacy of individuals. In many cases, the term “trespassing” implies criminal intent, meaning that the person knowingly and willingly entered or remained on the property without authorization. However, in some cases, trespassing can also occur unintentionally, such as when a person mistakenly wanders onto someone else’s land.

Types of Trespassing

There are several different types of trespassing, including:

It is crucial to distinguish between criminal and civil trespassing as the legal consequences for each type of offense vary significantly. Criminal trespassing involves intentional and often criminal acts and can result in fines, imprisonment, or other severe legal penalties. On the other hand, civil trespassing usually involves accidental entry onto someone else’s property, and while it may result in liability for any damages caused, it typically does not carry criminal charges. Knowing the difference between these two types of trespassing can help individuals navigate legal disputes and avoid potential legal repercussions.

Type of Trespassing Description
Criminal Trespassing Knowingly and intentionally entering or remaining on another person’s property without consent, may include criminal acts
Civil Trespassing Inadvertently or accidentally entering another person’s property without knowledge or consent, may result in liability for damages
Trespass to Land Unauthorized entry or occupation of private property, often involves disputes between neighbors
Trespass to Chattels Unauthorized use, damage, or theft of another person’s personal property

Trespassing on Private vs. Public Property

Trespassing laws apply differently to private and public property. While both types of property are protected under the law, there are some key differences in how trespassing offenses are handled.

It is important to be aware of the laws regarding trespassing and to respect the rights of property owners, whether their property is private or public. Taking steps to avoid trespassing, such as asking for permission before entering another person’s property, can help prevent potential legal issues and ensure the safety and security of everyone involved.

Understanding Public Property

Public property is any property that is owned by the government or its various branches, including federal, state, and local levels. This could be land, buildings, or other types of property that are accessible to the general public for use or enjoyment. Public property is managed and maintained by government agencies on behalf of the community, and it serves a variety of purposes ranging from parks and public spaces to government facilities and infrastructure.

One of the primary responsibilities of the government is to ensure that public property serves its intended purpose and that the rights and safety of the people are protected. Consequently, there are laws and regulations in place to ensure the responsible use and proper management of public property, including restricting particular activities that might infringe on the rights, safety, or privacy of others, disrupt the normal functioning of the property, or cause damage or harm.

One such activity that is generally restricted on public property is trespassing. Trespassing refers to entering or remaining on the property without the explicit permission or knowledge of the property owner or the person designated to grant such permission. In the context of public property, trespassing could involve entering restricted areas, overstaying or disobeying posted hours of operation, or accessing public spaces during events or situations when the property is temporarily closed to the public.

Laws Pertaining to Public Property in New York

In New York State, including Long Island, several laws address trespassing on public property. Under New York Penal Law Section 140.05, trespass is an offense in which an individual “knowingly enters or remains unlawfully in or upon premises.” This is a violation, which is a non-criminal offense but could still result in fines and other penalties upon conviction.

Furthermore, trespassing on public property may also be classified as criminal trespass under Section 140.10 to 140.20 of the New York Penal Code, depending on the specific circumstances of the incident. For example, criminal trespass in the third degree (section 140.10) and in the second degree (section 140.15) involve unlawfully entering a fenced-in or otherwise enclosed property or a building used as a dwelling, respectively. These offenses are classified as misdemeanors and involve more severe penalties, including potential jail time.

Local municipalities on Long Island may have their specific ordinances regarding trespassing on public property as well. These local regulations may stipulate additional restrictions or penalties for individuals who violate the rules and regulations governing public property areas.

Examples of Public Property on Long Island

Long Island, New York, has numerous public properties that residents and visitors can access and enjoy. These include, but are not limited to:

When accessing these public properties, it is crucial to respect the rules and regulations that have been established to govern their use. Unauthorized entry or remaining on these properties without proper permission could lead to trespassing charges or other legal consequences under New York State law.

Potential Scenarios for Trespassing on Public Property

Trespassing on public property can occur in various situations and under different circumstances. Public property includes places such as parks, government buildings, streets, and sidewalks. Although these places are usually accessible to the public, there can still be instances where individuals commit trespassing.

Entering Closed or Restricted Areas

Public properties often have designated hours of operation and access, and entering these areas after hours or when they are closed off can be considered trespassing. For example, a public park may close at a certain hour, and entering the park after it’s closed can be construed as trespassing.

Moreover, some public properties have restricted areas meant for authorized personnel only. Even though the property is public, certain portions of it may be limited to the general public. Ignoring signs or barriers that prohibit access and entering these restricted areas can be considered trespassing. For instance, crossing a barricade or security line to enter restricted areas of a government building or entering a construction site on public property without proper authorization can lead to trespassing charges.

Behavior and Activities that May Constitute Trespassing

In addition to entering closed or restricted areas, engaging in certain behaviors or activities on public property may also constitute trespassing. These activities or behaviors often involve violating any rules or ordinances set forth by local governments or property managers, which can include:

If any of these actions or behaviors are undertaken intentionally, they can potentially lead to trespassing charges.

Potential Hazards Related to Trespassing on Public Property

Trespassing on public property can bring about various risks and hazards for both the trespasser and others. Some of these hazards may include:

In conclusion, trespassing on public property is a serious offense that can lead to legal penalties and other negative consequences. Understanding what constitutes trespassing, particularly in relation to entering closed or restricted areas, engaging in disruptive behaviors or activities, and being aware of the potential hazards associated with trespassing, is crucial to avoid conflict with the law and maintaining safety for all.

Legal Consequences for Trespassing on Public Property

Trespassing is the act of unlawfully entering, remaining, or otherwise infringing upon another person’s property. The legal consequences of trespassing on public property depend on the type and location of the property, the intent of the trespasser, and the applicable laws violated.

Possible Charges and Penalties

Under New York law, criminal trespass is a misdemeanor that carries potential penalties such as fines, probation, community service, or even incarceration. In some cases, violating specific statutes regarding public property can result in more serious charges or added penalties.

Certain public properties, like military bases or government buildings, have specific regulations and limitations for unauthorized access or presence. If someone trespasses in these areas, especially with criminal intentions, they could face severe charges such as terrorism-related offenses or felonies. Additionally, if someone has a history of multiple trespassing offenses, especially within a brief period of time, they may face more charges or stiffer penalties due to their repeated disregard for the law.

Defense Strategies in Trespassing Cases

Accused trespassers may have several defense strategies available, depending on the circumstances of their case. These may include:

An attorney can help build a defense strategy that best represents your interests and argues against the charges being brought against you. With the help of an attorney, you can work to minimize the potential consequences of the charges against you and fight for the best possible outcome for your case.

How an Attorney Can Help Defend Against Trespassing Charges

If you are facing trespassing charges in New York related to public property, an attorney can assist you in defending against these charges. Public properties, such as military bases or government buildings, may have additional regulations and restrictions for access or unauthorized presence. Trespassing in these areas, especially with criminal intent, can lead to more serious charges, such as terrorism-related offenses or felonies.

An attorney can investigate the circumstances surrounding your alleged trespassing, including whether you were lawfully on the property and whether the property owner had adequate signage indicating that the property was off-limits. If there were any issues with the property owner’s actions, an attorney may be able to argue that the charges should be dismissed.

In addition, an attorney can evaluate the evidence against you, including any witness statements or physical evidence. If there are inconsistencies or weaknesses in the evidence, an attorney may be able to challenge its admissibility in court. They can also build a defense strategy that best represents your interests and argues against the charges being brought against you.

An attorney can also negotiate with prosecutors on your behalf, potentially reducing the charges against you or reaching a plea bargain that avoids a trial. If your case goes to trial, an attorney can represent you in court, presenting evidence and arguments on your behalf.

Overall, having an attorney by your side can be invaluable when facing trespassing charges on public property in New York. They can provide you with guidance, support, and legal experience throughout the process, working to minimize the potential consequences of the charges against you.

Working with an Experienced Long Island Trespassing Defense Lawyer 

With years of experience navigating the complexities of the legal system, Long Island trespass lawyer Ed Palermo is well-equipped to provide you with the legal support you need to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. From conducting a thorough review of the evidence against you to negotiating plea deals with prosecutors, our team of legal professionals at Edward Palermo Criminal Defense works tirelessly to ensure your rights are protected and your interests are represented.

Don’t face your charges alone. Contact our office today for a free consultation and to take the first step towards securing a positive outcome in your case. Contact us at (631) 265-1052 or (516) 280-2160.

DWI charges and penalties on Long Island can vary based on the circumstances of each case. If you’ve been arrested for driving while drunk, it is important to understand the type of charge you may be facing. Speak with an experienced Long Island DWI lawyer before you make any decisions or agree to any plea.

Alcohol-Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI) Penalties

A person is guilty of Driving While Ability Impaired by alcohol or DWAI if they operate a motor vehicle while their ability to do so is impaired to any extent by the consumption of alcohol. Under the law, a person is guilty of a DWAI if they drive a motor vehicle on a public highway after consuming alcohol and their ability to operate that motor vehicle as a reasonable and prudent driver is impaired to any extent.

A first offense Alcohol-DWAI charge is considered a traffic infraction — It is not a crime. In comparison, a first-offense conviction for a DWI, a Drugs-DWAI, and a Combination-DWAI are misdemeanor crimes.

First Offense

A person who participates in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program can be eligible for a conditional license while their license is suspended.

Additional penalties:

Second Offense

A second offense DWAI following a prior DWI- or DWAI-related conviction will carry the following penalties:

Alternatively, a judge can require the defendant to perform 30 days of community service instead of serving a prison sentence. Some defendants who attend a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program can get a conditional license. However, if a defendant has been convicted of an impaired driving offense in the last 5 years, they will not be eligible for the program, and consequently, the conditional license. 

A defendant who has been convicted of a DWI or DWAI offense in the last 5 years or has a prior license revocation for refusing a chemical test can also be subject to a license revocation of 1.5 years in addition to the suspension.

To be eligible for registration for a new driver’s license, in replacement of their revoked one, the DMV requires defendants to be subject to the following: 

Third and Subsequent Offenses

As with the second offense, a defendant can avail of a conditional license provided that they have not been convicted of a DWI or DWAI offense in the last five years and did not refuse a chemical test for BAC. The defendant would have to attend a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program to be eligible for the conditional license to be able to drive during their suspension period.

A defendant who has been convicted of a DWI or DWAI offense in the last 5 years or has a prior license revocation for refusing a chemical test can also be subject to a license revocation of 1.5 years in addition to the suspension. This is in addition to paying a $750 civil penalty fee.

For a third-offense Alcohol-DWAI, the following penalties are mandatory. Failure to comply can result in additional license suspension:

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), Drug-DWAI, Combination-DWAI Penalties

Under New York’s laws, a person is considered Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) if:

A person is considered guilty of a Drug-DWAI offense if they operated a vehicle and:

A person is considered guilty of a Combination-DWAI offense if:

The full list of controlled substances can be found under New York State Public Health Law 3306.

First Offense

Administrative Penalty: The court will suspend a defendant’s license while the criminal prosecution is pending if they were found to have a BAC of .08% or higher. The court will also suspend the defendant’s license if they refuse to take a chemical test. If the refusal is confirmed at the DMV hearing, the driver’s license will be revoked for a year and the defendant will have to pay a $500 civil penalty.

Unlike a first offense Alcohol-DWAI which is a traffic infraction, a first-offense conviction for a DWI is considered a misdemeanor crime. 

Additional penalties:

Second Offense

Administrative Penalty: The court will suspend a defendant’s license while the criminal prosecution is pending if they were found to have a BAC of .08% or higher. The court will also suspend the defendant’s license if they had refused to take a chemical test. If the refusal is determined unlawful at the DMV hearing, the defendant’s license will be revoked for a year and the defendant will have to pay an additional $750 civil penalty.

The defendant can be subject to a license revocation of 1.5 years in addition to their license being suspended prior to the criminal hearing. If the defendant:

Criminal Penalty: A second conviction of a DWI within ten years is considered a Class E felony. A defendant may also be subject to the following penalties:

Additional penalties:

Third and Subsequent Offenses

Administrative Penalty: The court will suspend a defendant’s license while the criminal prosecution is pending if they were found to have a BAC of .08% or higher. The court will also suspend the defendant’s license if they had refused to take a chemical test. If the refusal is determined unlawful at the DMV hearing, the defendant’s license will be revoked for a year and the defendant will have to pay an additional $750 civil penalty.

The defendant can be subject to a license revocation of 1.5 years in addition to their license being suspended prior to the criminal hearing. If the defendant:

Criminal Penalty: A third conviction of a DWI within ten years is considered a Class D felony. A defendant may also be subject to the following penalties:

Additional penalties:

Aggravated DWI Penalties

A person is guilty of aggravated DWI if:

Compared to other impaired driving offenses, New York laws have more severe punishments for aggravated DWI.

First Offense

Aggravated DWI per se is classified as a misdemeanor under New York’s driving laws. while Aggravated DWI with a child passenger is a class E felony.

A person convicted of a first-offense aggravated DWI will also be subject to the following penalties:

Second Offense

Both types of Aggravated-DWI are considered class E felonies if the defendant has been convicted of a DWI, Aggravated-DWI, Drug-DWAI, or Combination-DWAI within the last 10 years. In addition, the defendant will be subject to the following penalties:

Third Offense

Both types of Aggravated-DWI are considered class D felonies if the defendant has had two prior convictions of a DWI, Aggravated-DWI, Drug-DWAI, or Combination-DWAI within the last 10 years. In addition, the defendant will be subject to the following penalties:

Regardless of whether the defendant has had a previous conviction, they will also be subject to the following penalties:

Offense Mandatory Fine Maximum Jail Term Mandatory Driver’s License Action
Alcohol-Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI) First Offense $300 – $500 15 Days Suspended for 90 days
Alcohol-Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI) Second Offense $500 and $1,000 30 Days Suspended for 6 months
Alcohol-Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI) Third and Subsequent Offenses $750 and $1,500 180 Days Suspended for 6 months
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), Drug-DWAI, Combination-DWAI First Offense $500 to $1,000 1-4 Years Revoked for 6 months
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), Drug-DWAI, Combination-DWAI Second Offense $1,000 to $5,000 1-4 Years Revoked for 1 year
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), Drug-DWAI, Combination-DWAI Third and Subsequent Offenses $2,000 to $10,000 1-7 Years Permanent Revocation if three impaired driving convictions, refusals, or combination of convictions and refusals within a 4-year period.

New DWI Laws in NY 2022

In an effort to enhance New York’s anti-drunk driving laws, lawmakers have been encouraged to adopt a series of measures proposed by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). One key provision involves reducing the driving while intoxicated (DWI) threshold from 0.08% to 0.05% blood alcohol content (BAC), which MADD believes could lead to a decrease in roadway fatalities.

The proposed legislation aims to build on existing DWI laws, such as mandating ignition interlocks for convicted drunk drivers and classifying a DWI with a child passenger as a felony. MADD’s appeal to state legislators follows an observed increase in drunk driving incidents during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as a rise in drunk driving-related deaths from 256 to 283 before the crisis began.

In addition to lowering the DWI threshold, MADD is pushing for a more robust ignition interlock law, applicable to a larger number of drivers convicted of DWI. The group also advocates for new regulations addressing impaired driving in light of the state’s legalization of recreational cannabis, as well as keeping pace with synthetic and designer drugs.

Notably, no new DWI laws were introduced in New York in 2022, emphasizing the importance of implementing these stricter measures to combat drunk driving and improve road safety.


Get the Help of Experienced Nassau County and Suffolk County DWI Lawyer Edward Palermo

If you have been charged with a DWI in Nassau County or Suffolk County, we may be able to help. Experienced DWI attorney Edward Palermo has provided quality legal representation and counsel to Long Island residents charged with impaired driving offenses. At Edward Palermo Criminal Defense, our qualified DWI attorneys can conduct a strategic and comprehensive study of your case. Contact us today at (516) 280-2160 or (631) 265-1052 to schedule a free consultation with one of our qualified Long Island DWI attorneys.

In criminal law, trials usually end with a verdict of either guilty or not guilty. However, there are cases when the court ends in neither. These are mistrials. Mistrials are incomplete trials that are declared void. If grounds are met, a judge can stop the legal proceedings. A motion for a mistrial must be submitted before a verdict can be announced. The judge will decide whether a mistrial has indeed occurred.

When a mistrial occurs and is not recognized as such, it can result in a false conviction and cost an innocent person a host of troubles. A wrongful conviction is considered a miscarriage of justice and can have long-lasting effects on a person’s life. As many as 6% of all people incarcerated in the United States have been proven to be wrongfully convicted. A competent Long Island criminal defense attorney can be the last line of defense in identifying a mistrial and avoiding a wrongful conviction.

When Can a Mistrial Be Called?

When a judge declares a mistrial, it means that the trial has been interrupted and cannot continue. A mistrial can be called for several reasons, including:

A mistrial can be declared at any point during the trial, even after deliberations have begun and a verdict has been reached but before it is officially announced in court. If a mistrial is declared, the entire trial process must start over from the beginning with a new jury or with a different presiding judge if judicial misconduct was found in the case.

Reason for Mistrial Description Example
Jury Deadlock The jury is unable to reach a unanimous or majority decision A federal jury is unable to reach a unanimous verdict after several rounds of deliberation
Juror Misconduct A juror violates the code of conduct during legal proceedings A juror discusses the case details with an outsider during the trial
Inadmissible Evidence Evidence that cannot be admitted in court is presented The prosecution presents evidence obtained illegally during the trial
Improper Juror Selection Jurors are selected improperly during the voir dire process A juror lies during the voir dire process
Defendant’s Confession The defendant confesses to the crime outside of court The defendant confesses to the crime to a reporter
Key Actor Unavailable A key actor such as a witness, judge, or attorney is unavailable The judge becomes ill and is unable to participate in the trial
Judicial Misconduct The judge makes a ruling that unfairly favors one side The judge shows favoritism to the prosecution during the trial

Impacts of a Mistrial in a Case

If a judge declares a mistrial, the defendant is not automatically acquitted and the charges are not dropped. The double jeopardy rule does not apply in cases of mistrial because, technically, the first trial was never completed. If a defendant is found not guilty in a criminal trial, the charges against them are dismissed and they cannot be tried again for the same crime. However, if the jury is unable to reach a verdict and a mistrial is declared, the prosecution may choose to retry the defendant.

In some cases, the defendant may want to waive their right to a new trial in exchange for a plea deal. This can be advantageous for both parties as it avoids the costs and uncertainties of another trial. However, accepting a plea deal can be disadvantageous for the defendant if the plea deal is not as favorable as the potential outcome of a new trial.

There are also cases where the prosecution does not proceed with a retrial. Such a case can happen if the prosecution does not believe that they have enough evidence to convict, possibly due to evidence being declared inadmissible. Charges against the defendant may be dismissed if the prosecution doesn’t call for a retrial.

Being involved in a mistrial can be a source of conflicting emotions in defendants. A mistrial can further amplify the sense of anxiety and stress a defendant may be feeling due to further postponement of their case. A defendant may also be more likely to accept a plea bargain that is disadvantageous to them just to get the matter over with. Having the help of a Long Island criminal defense attorney that has your best interest at heart is important.

Edward Palermo, a Long Island attorney with more than 28 years of experience in criminal law, may be able to help you. Before you make any decisions, explore your legal options with an attorney that can walk you through the complicated legal process. Our team of skilled Nassau County criminal defense attorneys at Edward Palermo Criminal Defense may be able to help you understand your rights. We provide aggressive legal representation and compassionate counsel. Call us today at (516) 280-2160 or (631) 265-1052 to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Is a Defendant Released After a Mistrial?

While a mistrial may terminate a current criminal case, it does not guarantee an acquittal for the defendant. If a case results in a mistrial, the prosecution may decide to refile the case after rectifying any procedural or clerical errors. Additionally, the attorneys on either side of the case may change depending on the reason for the mistrial ruling.

A mistrial ruling may also result in the dismissal of the case “with prejudice,” which means that it cannot be retried. However, if the case is dismissed “without prejudice,” the prosecution is likely to retry the case if they believe it to be in the interests of justice to continue pursuing a conviction. In summary, a mistrial does not automatically lead to an acquittal for the defendant, and the outcome depends on the judge’s ruling and the prosecution’s decision to refile or not.

A skilled Long Island criminal defense attorney may be able to provide guidance and advocacy to ensure that the defendant’s rights are protected and that they have the best possible chance for a fair and just outcome. Contact Edward Palermo Criminal Defense today to schedule a consultation and start building your defense.

What Happens with a Mistrial

When certain conditions are met, a mistrial may be declared, resulting in an incomplete trial that is considered null and void. Such conditions may include jury tampering, a hung jury, the presentation of inadmissible evidence, or the unavailability of a crucial participant in the trial. If a mistrial occurs, the entire trial process must begin anew with a new jury or a different judge in cases of judicial misconduct.

It is crucial to understand that a mistrial does not automatically acquit the defendant or dismiss the charges. Unlike acquittals, mistrials are not subject to the double jeopardy rule since the first trial was not completed. After a mistrial, the prosecution may opt to retry the defendant or offer a plea deal to avoid another trial’s uncertainties. In some cases, the prosecution may decide not to retry the defendant if there isn’t enough evidence to secure a conviction, leading to the charges being dismissed.

Mistrials can cause immense stress and anxiety for defendants, as the case’s outcome is further delayed. It is essential to have the support of a capable criminal defense attorney to protect the defendant’s rights and ensure a just outcome. An attorney can assist the defendant in navigating the legal process and making informed decisions, especially if a mistrial occurs.

How Can an Attorney Help Me if My Case Results in a Mistrial?

The help of an experienced Long Island criminal defense attorney is crucial regardless of the criminal charges you are facing. Before making any decisions, consulting with a skilled attorney is important.

At Edward Palermo Criminal Defense, our team of skilled Suffolk and Nassau County attorneys is dedicated to protecting the legal rights of our clients. Our attorneys are well-equipped with the necessary skills to represent you in court in the interest of getting your charges reduced or even dismissed. We are committed to defending your right to due process and will help see your case through in your favor should an initial legal proceeding end in a mistrial.

Schedule a free and confidential consultation with one of our qualified Long Island criminal defense attorneys today. Contact us at (516) 280-2160 or (631) 265-1052. You may also fill out our online form.

Trespassing is a criminal offense in New York involving an individual entering or remaining on a property without the owner’s consent. The act of trespassing can result in various legal consequences, depending on the specific details of the incident. Trespass offenses in New York can result in charges that can range from a violation to a felony.

Regardless of the charges brought against you, it is important to get the help of an experienced Long Island trespass attorney to help you understand your rights and walk you through the legal processes involved. A conviction of trespassing in New York can have severe legal and non-legal consequences. Don’t leave the matter of your legal defense up to chance. Contact Edward Palermo Criminal Defense today to schedule a consultation.

Definition and Types of Trespassing under New York Law

Trespassing is defined as knowingly intruding on or entering another person’s property without authorization. It involves crossing boundaries set by the property owner without the owner’s consent or knowledge. There are several types of trespassing in New York:

Simple Trespass (NY Penal Code § 140.05) 

Occurs when an individual enters or remains unlawfully on a property without explicit permission from the owner. This is considered a violation rather than a misdemeanor or felony. Simple trespass is a violation punishable by a fine of up to $250 or up to 15 days in jail. It is not considered a crime; if a person is convicted of simple trespass, it will not go on their criminal record.

Criminal Trespass 

Criminal trespass involves unlawful entry or remaining in a building or property without permission from the property owner. The charges a person receives depend on the kind of establishment they unlawfully entered, if the person had a weapon, and if they have a prior history of criminal offenses. Criminal trespass in New York is divided into three degrees.

Criminal Trespass in the Third Degree (NY Penal Code § 140.10) 

A person commits the crime of criminal trespass in the third degree if they knowingly and unlawfully entered and remained on the property of another person and the property is:

Criminal Trespass in the Third Degree is a class B misdemeanor, punishable by up to three months in jail. A one-year probation period can also be imposed instead of jail time.

Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree (NY Penal Code § 140.15): 

A person commits the crime of criminal trespass in the second degree if they knowingly and unlawfully entered and remained on the property of another person and:

Criminal trespass in the second-degree class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail.

Criminal Trespass in the First Degree (NY Penal Code § 140.17): 

A person commits the crime of criminal trespass in the first degree if they knowingly and unlawfully entered and remained on the property of another person and:

Criminal trespass in the first-degree class D felony, punishable by up to seven years in prison. If the defendant has not had a felony conviction in the past ten years, it may be possible to have a lighter sentence.

The penalties for trespassing in New York vary depending on the type and severity of the offense. They range from a simple fine to imprisonment, and the consequences may extend beyond criminal penalties to include civil lawsuits. A criminal record may result in negative personal and professional consequences, such as difficulty finding employment, housing, or educational opportunities.

Criminal vs. Civil Trespassing

Criminal trespassing and civil trespassing are two different legal concepts with varying consequences. While criminal trespassing involves a violation of the law and prosecution by the state, civil trespassing is a claim brought by the property owner seeking monetary damages.

Criminal trespassing charges concern the state and aim to hold the offender responsible for breaking the law. The goal is to punish and deter future trespassing by the defendant and others. This may involve incarceration, fines, community service, or probation.

Civil trespassing, on the other hand, is a cause of action between private parties. In a civil trespass lawsuit, the property owner seeks compensation for the invasion of their property rights. The goal is not to punish the offender but to compensate the owner for any damage or losses caused by the trespass. A property owner may seek to file a civil trespass lawsuit regardless of whether a crime has been committed.

It is essential to understand the differences between criminal and civil trespassing and the potential consequences associated with each type. If you are facing trespassing charges, it is crucial to seek the appropriate legal counsel to navigate the complexities of the law and ensure the best possible outcome for your case.

Assessing Your Trespassing Charge

When facing a trespassing charge, it is important to assess the various aspects of the case to determine the optimal course of action to take. A thorough understanding of the elements of the charge, gathering all relevant evidence, and identifying potential defenses can help you navigate the legal process and potentially minimize the severity of the consequences, either by a reduction of the charges or securing a dismissal.

Understanding the Elements of Your Charge

When evaluating your trespassing charges, it’s important to understand the essential elements that constitute a trespassing offense. In New York, trespassing involves unlawfully entering or remaining on another person’s property without permission.

The prosecution must establish several elements to successfully convict you of trespassing. These elements often include proving whether:

A skilled Long Island criminal trespass attorney can assist in walking you through your charges and help you familiarize yourself with the relevant trespassing laws and provisions that pertain to your case. 

Gathering Evidence and Documentation

In preparation for your case, your attorney will gather all available evidence and documentation that may help refute the charges against you or strengthen your defense. Evidence and supporting information may include the following:

To beat charges of criminal trespass, it is important to cooperate with your attorney and provide information that can be useful for your defense. Your attorney would then be able to investigate the circumstances of your case and build an appropriate legal defense based on the evidence. 

Common Defenses Against Trespassing Charges

Trespassing is the act of unlawfully entering or remaining on another person’s property without their consent. Charges of criminal trespass can be reduced or dropped depending on whether the prosecution can successfully substantiate and prove the elements of the charges. Common trespassing defenses include:

Lack of Intent

A trespassing charge typically requires that the defendant acted with intent, meaning they knowingly and willfully entered or remained on the property without permission. If the accused can demonstrate that they were unaware that they were trespassing or did not intend to do so, this could serve as a defense against the charges.

Examples of situations where this defense may apply include accidental entry when lost or disoriented, or unknowingly entering a portion of private property not marked with “no trespassing” signs or other warnings. Additionally, evidence showing that the accused was intoxicated or otherwise not in the right state of mind may also support a lack of intent defense.

Mistake of Fact

A mistake of fact defense arises when the accused reasonably believed they had permission to be on the property, or that the property in question did not belong to the person alleging trespass. To successfully argue this defense, the defendant must show that their mistake was reasonable and that it negates the required intent for the trespassing charge.

Examples of a mistake of fact defense might include: interpreting an unclear property boundary or believing that the property was public land. Evidence may include property maps or records, unclear signage, or the testimony of other individuals who made the same mistake.

Consent or Authorization

One of the most basic defenses against a trespassing charge is that the person accused of trespassing had the consent or license of the property owner or occupant to be on the property. Consent means that the owner or occupant of the property granted their permission for the accused to enter and remain on the property, either verbally or in writing. A license is a more formal grant of permission to enter or use another’s property for a specific purpose, such as a written agreement to rent a space or obtain access to a facility.

To successfully argue consent or license, the defendant must prove that they had reasonable grounds to believe they had permission to be on the property. Evidence that may help in establishing this defense includes communication records, witness testimony, or a history of prior consent or license. However, it’s important to note that consent or license can be revoked, and if the property owner or occupant communicated their revocation of consent, this defense would no longer be valid.

Emergency or Necessity

The defense of necessity might apply if the accused trespassed on the property out of an urgent and immediate need to prevent injury, harm, or damage from an imminent danger. This defense acknowledges a person’s inherent right to protect themselves, others, or property from harm, even if it requires trespassing to do so. For the necessity defense to be successfully utilized, the defendant must demonstrate that the danger they sought to avoid was greater than the harm resulting from the trespass and that there were no other reasonable alternatives available.

Examples of situations where this defense might apply include: attempting to prevent a fire from spreading to a neighboring property, entering a property to rescue an injured person, or stopping an ongoing crime. Evidence supporting the necessity defense can include the severity of the ensuing harms or dangers, the lack of other reasonable alternatives, and the immediacy of the danger.

The best legal defense you can use is a defense that is tailored to your specific case. It is important to consult an experienced Long Island criminal defense attorney to determine potential defenses that may apply to your case. At Edward Palermo Criminal Defense, we can assess your trespassing charge, gather evidence, and develop a defense strategy tailored to your circumstances. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Consequences of a Trespassing Conviction

A criminal conviction can have a significant impact on a person’s employment prospects and civil rights. Many employers perform background checks on potential employees, and a criminal record may make it challenging to find or maintain a job. Some professions, like nursing, teaching, or law enforcement, may be particularly affected by a criminal history. It may also be more difficult to obtain professional licenses or certifications required in certain fields.

Additionally, a criminal conviction can affect a person’s civil rights, such as their right to vote, hold public office, or own a firearm. New York prohibits people who have been convicted of serious offenses and felonies from owning a firearm. A defendant may also be prohibited from jury duty as well as from being employed by the government after a conviction of a misdemeanor or a felony. 

To mitigate these effects, a defendant can explore options like expungement or record sealing or work with a re-entry program to help find employment or housing. Legal assistance may also be available to help navigate the post-trial consequences of a criminal conviction.

Additional consequences can also apply if the property owner decides to file a civil lawsuit against the defendant to recover any damages to their property.

Working with a Top-Rated Long Island Criminal Defense Attorney from Edward Palermo Criminal Defense

Getting the legal assistance of an experienced attorney can help in reducing the charges or avoiding the possibility of a conviction through their dismissal. At Edward Palermo Criminal Defense, we understand the significance of a conviction and how it can affect the personal and professional prospects of individuals charged with a crime on Long Island. 

Our team of skilled attorneys can assist in conducting a thorough investigation of your case and aggressively representing your rights and best interests in court. You don’t have to face your charges alone. Contact us today at (516) 280-2160 or (631) 265-1052 to schedule a consultation.

Warrants are a crucial component in the criminal justice system, ensuring that law enforcement officers undergo a system of checks and balances before they can conduct actions that can infringe on a person’s rights such as arresting them or seizing their property. On Long Island, NY, it’s important for residents to understand the warrant process including the different types of warrants, their purposes, and the potential consequences of having an outstanding warrant. 

Working with an experienced Long Island criminal defense attorney can help give you more insight into the process of obtaining and processing a warrant in New York. An attorney can also assist you in fighting a warrant and safeguarding your rights under the law. Our team of skilled criminal defense attorneys at Edward Palermo Criminal Defense is dedicated to helping New York residents navigate the legal system. For more information, contact us today at (631) 265-1052 or (516) 280-2160 to schedule a consultation.

What is a Warrant?

Warrants in New York refer to legal orders that authorize law enforcement officials to take a particular action, such as arresting a suspect, conducting a search, or seizing property. These warrants are typically issued when there is probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed and that the individual or property in question is related to that crime. 

Probable cause means that there must be enough evidence to support a reasonable belief that the individual committed the crime in question or that the property being searched or seized has been involved in a crime. The judge or magistrate reviews the evidence, signed affidavits, and statements provided by law enforcement officers, and, if satisfied that probable cause exists, issues the warrant.

Types of Warrants in New York

There are several types of arrest warrants in the state of New York, including:

Reasons for Requesting an Arrest Warrant

Becoming aware that there is an existing warrant for your arrest can be a stressful and confusing situation. It is important to understand that there are a number of reasons why an arrest warrant can be requested under the law including:

  1. The presence of probable cause indicating that an individual has committed a specific crime.
  2. To ensure compliance with court-mandated appearances, such as scheduled hearings or trial dates.
  3. To enforce the terms of bail, probation, or other court orders.
  4. To facilitate the extradition of a suspect who is wanted for a crime committed in another state or country.

Getting the help of an experienced attorney is beneficial in protecting your rights and ensuring that the arrest warrant is legally valid. An attorney can also help you understand your options following an arrest.

Consequences of an Outstanding Arrest Warrant

Having an outstanding arrest warrant can carry serious consequences, some of which include:

  1. Arrest: Law enforcement officers have the authority to arrest an individual with an outstanding arrest warrant at any time, and this can result in detention until a hearing can be scheduled.
  2. Additional legal consequences: Failure to address an outstanding arrest warrant may lead to additional criminal charges or enhancements to existing charges, resulting in extended jail time or increased penalties if convicted.
  3. Employment: Employers may run background checks that detect outstanding warrants, which can lead to job loss or difficulties in finding employment.
  4. License suspension: An outstanding arrest warrant can result in the suspension or revocation of professional licenses or a driver’s license.
  5. Travel restrictions: Traveling outside the country with an outstanding arrest warrant may attract the attention of immigration officers, leading to detention or deportation.

Having a thorough understanding of how arrest warrants work is essential for residents to ensure they swiftly address and manage any outstanding warrants. By doing so, they can avoid the serious consequences associated with outstanding arrest warrants and maintain a clean record.

The Process of Obtaining an Arrest Warrant

To obtain an arrest warrant, the police must undergo a series of steps, including conducting an investigation, applying for the warrant, and receiving approval from a judge. The different steps ensure a system of checks and balances that requires law enforcement officials to satisfy their legal obligation to prove probable cause before taking a person into custody. 

Police Investigations and Probable Cause

The first step in obtaining an arrest warrant is for law enforcement officers to conduct an investigation of a crime. This involves gathering evidence and identifying potential suspects. Once the police have enough evidence to establish probable cause, they can begin the process of applying for an arrest warrant. Probable cause is a legal requirement that mandates the police to possess a reasonable belief, backed by factual evidence and circumstances, indicating that a suspect has committed a crime.

During the investigation, police officers may interview witnesses, collect physical evidence, and use other investigatory tools to build their case. They may also work with other law enforcement agencies, such as local or state investigators, to help support the investigation. The goal of the investigation is to gather enough evidence to establish probable cause, which serves as the legal foundation for obtaining an arrest warrant.

Application for the Arrest Warrant

Once the police have established that there is probable cause to believe that a suspect has committed a crime, they can move forward with the application for an arrest warrant. In this step, law enforcement officers prepare an affidavit, which is a written statement that contains the facts and circumstances supporting the warrant, such as witness statements, background information on the suspect, and evidence that has been collected.

The affidavit must establish probable cause and include the following information required for the warrant:

  1. The suspect’s name, along with a physical description or photograph
  2. A description of the crime or offense that the suspect is alleged to have committed
  3. A detailed explanation of the evidence or information supporting a probable cause finding
  4. An assurance that the information in the affidavit is accurate and reliable

An affidavit typically includes language that states that the person creating the affidavit – known as the affiant – is swearing to the legitimacy and accuracy of the information held in the affidavit and that they are open to prosecution for perjury if there are falsehoods included.

Role of the District Attorney

In some cases, law enforcement officers work closely with the district attorney’s office in preparing the affidavit and application for the arrest warrant. The district attorney, who serves as the chief legal officer for the jurisdiction in which the warrant is sought, can offer guidance to ensure that the affidavit is legally sound and that the warrant application meets the necessary legal requirements.

Judge’s Review and Approval

After the affidavit is prepared, it is submitted to a judge or magistrate for review. The judge has the authority to issue the arrest warrant if they find that there is probable cause to believe that the suspect committed the crime in question.

Criteria for Approval

The judge will review the affidavit in detail and assess whether the facts and circumstances outlined in it establish probable cause. The judge must ensure that the warrant application meets the legal requirements and that the evidence provided is sufficient to support the claim that the suspect committed the crime.

Possible Rejections and Modifications

If the judge determines that the arrest warrant application does not meet the required legal standards or that there is insufficient evidence to establish probable cause, they may reject the application or ask for additional information or modifications. In these cases, law enforcement officers will need to continue their investigation and gather additional evidence to strengthen their warrant application.

However, if the judge approves the arrest warrant, law enforcement officers can execute the warrant and arrest the suspect. After the arrest, the legal process moves forward, with the suspect being charged and eventually facing trial for the alleged crime. The district attorney can also withdraw all charges for any legal reason, after which the suspect can be released. 

Overall, the process of obtaining an arrest warrant is a critical part of the criminal justice system, ensuring that law enforcement officers have the proper legal authority to detain individuals suspected of committing crimes.

Timeline for Getting an Arrest Warrant on Long Island, NY

When trying to obtain an arrest warrant, there are a lot of moving pieces that need to be addressed, especially the standard need for probable cause to be met. A judge would not issue an arrest warrant until law enforcement has sufficiently satisfied the legal requirements. This requirement safeguards a person’s individual right to freedom. On Long Island, New York, as in other jurisdictions across the United States, certain factors can impact the length of time it takes for police to obtain an arrest warrant. These factors include:

Complexity of the Investigation

The time it takes to gather enough evidence to establish probable cause for an arrest warrant can vary depending on the complexity of the investigation. In simpler cases, such as those involving minor offenses or crimes with clear and readily available evidence, it may take less time for law enforcement officers to gather the necessary information needed to present to a judge for the issuance of an arrest warrant. Conversely, more complex investigations—such as those involving multiple suspects, indirect evidence, or extensive criminal networks—may require a more prolonged investigation before there is sufficient probable cause to warrant an arrest.

Availability of Necessary Information

In some cases, the timeline for obtaining an arrest warrant may be contingent on the availability of crucial information. For instance, if law enforcement officers are reliant on information from informants, cooperating witnesses, or technological resources such as surveillance footage or phone records, it may take additional time for them to collect and analyze these data points. Furthermore, police may be forced to wait on results from forensic analysis or other scientific testing methods that could provide crucial evidence to support the application for an arrest warrant. 

Case Backlog in the Court System

The court system on Long Island can sometimes face an overwhelming volume of cases, leading to case backlogs. A backlog within the judicial system can impact the timeline for obtaining an arrest warrant, as judges may be required to prioritize cases based on urgency or other criteria. 

Although it is difficult to provide an exact time frame for obtaining an arrest warrant on Long Island, it generally takes anywhere from a few hours to several days or even weeks, depending on the factors. In situations where law enforcement officers have a strong probable cause from the outset and can quickly collect and present the necessary information to a judge, an arrest warrant may be issued within a matter of hours. In more complicated cases, however, the process can be considerably lengthier.

Expedited Cases and Emergencies

There are certain situations in which the arrest warrant process may be expedited due to the nature of the case or the suspect involved. These could include:

High-Profile or Dangerous Suspects

In cases involving high-profile or dangerous suspects, law enforcement officers and the court system might expedite the warrant issuance process to ensure the swift capture of the individual in question. Doing so can help to minimize the risk of harm to the public, as well as prevent the destruction of evidence, further criminal activity, or the possibility of the suspect evading arrest.

Imminent Risk Factors

If there are immediate threats to public safety or other pressing concerns, the arrest warrant process may be accelerated to address the imminent risks at hand. Judges may prioritize cases that pose a significant danger to the community, such as when a suspect is believed to be armed and dangerous, or if there is a risk of harm to specific individuals or groups within the community.

The timeline for obtaining an arrest warrant on Long Island, New York, is subject to a number of variables, including the complexity of the investigation, the availability of necessary information, and the current case backlog in the court system. Regardless of the variables, the process aims to minimize the risk of arresting the wrong person and infringing upon their rights. 

Executing the Arrest Warrant

Police are required to follow a strict protocol when arresting the subject of a warrant, both to protect the rights of the person being arrested and to ensure the legality of the arrest. If the protocol is not followed, the police run the risk of having any information stemming from the arrest invalidated.

Police Notification and Actions

When a judge or magistrate issues an arrest warrant, the document authorizes law enforcement officers to apprehend the suspect named in the document. The warrant will typically include specific details about the person, such as name, address, and date of birth, as well as the alleged criminal offense. Once the warrant is issued, it will be entered into a statewide or nationwide database accessible by law enforcement agencies.

Upon receiving an arrest warrant, the police department will assign officers to locate and apprehend the suspect. This may involve coordination between multiple law enforcement agencies if the suspect lives in a different jurisdiction than where the crime was committed.

The police may visit the suspect’s last known address, work, or any other location where there is a reasonable belief that the suspect might be found. If the police are unable to locate the person named in the warrant, they’ll often collaborate with other agencies, such as the U.S. Marshals, to assist in the search for the fugitive.

The police have a legal obligation to inform the suspect of the warrant at the time of the arrest. However, this may only happen after they have already detained the individual in case the suspect attempts to flee.

Arrest Procedures and Defendant’s Rights

During the arrest, law enforcement officers must adhere to specific procedures to protect the rights of the individual being arrested. Some essential rights include:

Time and Place of the Arrest

Law enforcement officers have a certain degree of discretion when executing an arrest warrant in terms of the time and place where they may apprehend the suspect. While officers are generally allowed to arrest someone at any time and place, there are restrictions on entering private homes without consent.

In most situations, the police must either obtain consent from the homeowner or have a separate search warrant to enter the suspect’s dwelling and conduct a search for the suspect.

If the police have a valid search warrant, they can enter and search the premises for the person named in the arrest warrant, regardless of whether the homeowner consents.

Post-arrest Process and Potential Outcomes

Once the person is arrested and taken into custody, various outcomes can follow depending on the specific circumstances of the case:

Arrest Warrant Challenges and Legal Considerations

There are various challenges and legal considerations associated with arrest warrants that can potentially infringe upon an individual’s rights. It is essential for anyone facing an arrest warrant to understand these potential issues, including when a warrant may be invalid, the suppression of evidence due to warrant issues, and the importance of seeking legal advice and representation.

Invalid or Improperly Executed Warrants

In some instances, an arrest warrant may be invalid or improperly executed, which can lead to challenges in the criminal process. There are various reasons why a warrant may be considered invalid or improperly executed, including:

Suppression of Evidence Due to Warrant Issues

If an arrest warrant is found to be invalid or improperly executed, any evidence obtained as a result of the warrant may be subject to suppression. This means that the evidence cannot be used against the defendant in court. This is based on the “exclusionary rule,” which prohibits the use of illegally obtained evidence in criminal prosecutions. The exclusionary rule is designed to protect an individual’s Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures by law enforcement officers.

Suppression of evidence can have a significant impact on a criminal case, as it may weaken the prosecution’s case and potentially lead to a dismissal of charges or an acquittal at trial. However, there are exceptions to the exclusionary rule, such as the “good faith” exception, which may still allow the use of evidence if it was obtained by law enforcement acting under the reasonable belief that the warrant was valid.

Working with a Skilled Long Island Criminal Defense Attorney

Given the complexities involved in challenging an arrest warrant and the potential consequences of not doing so, it is crucial for anyone facing an arrest warrant to seek legal advice and representation. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help navigate the legal process, assess the validity of the warrant, and identify issues that may warrant suppression of evidence. If you are facing an arrest warrant, it is essential to take the matter seriously and engage the services of a knowledgeable attorney who can work to protect your rights and advocate for your best interests. 

Our team at Edward Palermo Criminal Defense provides quality legal services aimed at assisting Long Island residents in navigating the New York justice system. A skilled attorney can help you understand the potential challenges and legal considerations associated with arrest warrants and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the criminal process. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at (631) 265-1052 or (516) 280-2160.